Proxy Configuration

Cypress needs Internet access to work. Many companies require the use of a corporate proxy to access the Internet. If your company does this, many functions of Cypress will not work until you've configured Cypress to use your proxy:

  • Cypress won't be able to load web pages besides localhost.
  • Cypress won't be able to warn you if your baseUrl isn't available.
  • Cypress won't be able to connect to the Dashboard Service to log in or record test runs.
  • npm install cypress may fail while downloading the Cypress binary.

If you are experiencing any or all of these issues, you may need to configure Cypress with your proxy. Instructions are available for macOS, Linux, and Windows.

Set a proxy on Linux or macOS

To set your proxy on Linux or macOS, run the following command in a terminal before running Cypress:

export HTTP_PROXY=

You can also set NO_PROXY to bypass the proxy for certain domains (by default, only localhost will be bypassed):

export NO_PROXY=localhost,,

To make these changes permanent, you can add these commands to your shell's ~/.profile (~/.zsh_profile, ~/.bash_profile, etc.) to run them on every login.

Set a proxy on Windows

When starting up after being installed, Cypress will attempt to load the proxy configured in the Windows registry by default. Learn how to set your proxy settings system-wide in Windows.

You can also set proxy environment variables before running Cypress to override the Windows registry. This is also the only way to define a proxy for cypress install. In Command Prompt, defining the required environment variables looks like this:


To accomplish the same thing in Powershell:

$env:HTTP_PROXY = ""

To save the HTTP_PROXY variable and use your proxy for all new shells, use setx:


Proxy environment variables

Cypress automatically reads from your system's HTTP_PROXY environment variable and uses that proxy for all HTTP and HTTPS traffic. If an HTTPS_PROXY environment variable is set, HTTPS traffic will use that proxy instead.

To bypass the proxy for certain domains, a NO_PROXY environment variable can be set to a comma-separated list of domain names to not proxy traffic for. By default, traffic to localhost will not be proxied. To make Cypress send traffic for localhost through the proxy, pass <-loopback> in NO_PROXY.

If an uppercase and a lowercase version of the proxy settings are supplied (for example, HTTP_PROXY and http_proxy are both set), the lowercase variable will be preferred.

View, unset, and set environment variables

In order to properly configure your proxy configuration, it can be helpful to know how to view currently set environment variables, unset unwanted environment variables, and set environment variables depending on your operating system.

Linux or macOS

Set an environment variable for the current session

export SOME_VARIABLE=some-value

Unset an environment variable


echo will print nothing after unset:


See all the currently set environment variables

Print all env vars:


Print environment variables with proxy (case insensitive) in the name:

env | grep -i proxy


Setting environment variables in Windows is different depending on if you're using command prompt or Powershell.

Set an environment variable for current session

Command prompt:

set SOME_VARIABLE=some-value


$env:SOME_VARIABLE = "some-value"

Set environment variable globally for all future sessions

setx SOME_VARIABLE some-value

Unset an environment variable in the current session

Command prompt:



Remove-Item Env:\SOME_VARIABLE

See all currently set environment variables

Command prompt:



Get-ChildItem Env:

View proxy settings in Cypress

Your current proxy settings can be viewed from within the Cypress App. Follow these steps:

  1. Open up your project in Cypress via cypress open.
  2. Click the "Settings" tab.
  3. Click the "Proxy Settings" section to expand it and view the proxy settings that Cypress is currently using.
Proxy configuration in the Desktop app